Monday, 1 August 2011

She's So Lovely :)

I am sat on my bed with one of my very best friends, Megan, watching videos on YouTube, it is becoming addictive, eeek. Whilst having a giggle at all your best friend tags, we came to the agreement that it would be fun and interesting to find out a little more about each other. 

So here goes, grab yourself a cup of coffee, or tea (which ever you prefer, I don't like either so ...) and a snack and get comfy, this could be a long post!

1. How and when did you meet? 
Urm well, we attended primary school together, but completely loathed each other (not an exaggeration). We would argue on and off, threatening to get our parents involved (I'm sure we have all done it). We then managed to get along for a week (that was a new record). To cut a long story short, we became friends just before Megan switched schools in year 6 (we were aged 10-11). We can now both look back on this as a good thing, as it put a stop to the arguing, hehe. 

2. What's your favourite memory together?
Meg: OH MY GOSH CHESS! do you remember the time when we were in your bedroom and I skidded across your floor and I was like " Skidaddle, TING TING!" whilst bouncing my boobs up and down.haha gotta love that day :D 
Chessie: Ohhhhh, this is a hard one. Okay, so one time we were out cycling in the woods, you know, just messing around and rolling down hills. There was this one massive hill and being the dare devil that I am, I decided to ride down it. All was well and I could feel the breeze in my hair (true movie moment there), that was until I lost control and went flying over a tree stump. Miraculously there was not even a bruise in sight. :)
Meg: haha yeah that was hilarious! You probably burst my ear drums with the amount of screaming you did then! Oh my cheese, do you remember iRandom? okay, so iRandom was this really weird web show we decided to make. We only did like 6 episodes but there was this one time when we did a midnight special and we were looking at an interesting website on the internet, but we wont go into that. x

3. Describe each other in one word.
Chessie: Modest! I chose modest because Meg would never compare anyone to herself and does not like to brag. She is probably one of the only people I know not to accept a compliment. There are so many other words I could use too, especially hyperactive. 
Meg: She may not think so but she is beautiful. She also is AMAZING, LEGENDARY AND FORGIVING yeah yeah I know that's four words, but come on she's a pretty amazing person!  
Chessie: Thank you x teehee. 

4. What's your dream job?
Meg: I really want to be an air hostess because you get to travel the world an go to some places with some pretty tanned guys. ;)
Chessie: I would love to get a degree in English. I think journalism is my path, however I have to incorporate fashion into it somewhere along the lines, so I would love to be a fashion journalist for a big name like Vogue.   

5. What's your favourite make-up brand?
Chessie: I don't really have a favourite make-up brand, as I like to explore and try many. I must admit I do enjoy the gorgeous packaging of the Benefit products. However if I had to choose I would go with a cheaper alternative. For example I love Maybelline and MaxFactor for mascaras, Benefit for concealer and Natural Collection make a great moisturising lippy. 
Meg: Well I have extremely sensitive skin and can only use a few brands. It's quite a cheap range but I like 17 because there eye shadows are really pigmented, also I like the Barry M nail varnish :) I don't experiment like Chessie here because I don't like taking chances :LL

6. What is something that annoys you about the other person?
Meg: She gets seriously moody with me sometimes. probably because I'm always either tired and grumpy or EXTREMELY HYPER!
Chessie: The one and only thing that I have to say annoys me about Megan is that she puts herself down. I really don't like seeing her saying thing that aren't true, for example just a second ago when we were discussing this question she came out with the quote, "I'm so dumb!" Sometimes I feel like screaming at her, "YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE!!" x Ooopsie, I do seem a little moody. 

7. If you could go anywhere in the world together, where would it be and why?
Ohhhhh, New York, or Paris. Ohh what about Australia. I think we should just book a ticket all around the world, because we are never going to be able to decide. 

8. Favourite inside joke?
So many to choose from. We think maybe the "Scadaddle, TING TING (!!)", as mentioned in question 2 is our most recent. 

9. Who take longer to get ready in the morning?
Meg: right so, lets say I have just finished showering, getting dressed and doing my make-up... Chessie over here would be still deciding what to wear! She is really fashionable, where as I most certainly am not! 
Chessie: Well I can't really disagree on this one, as I tend to be the one keeping everyone waiting. Teehee. 

10. Favourite season?
Meg: Well I really like spring because here in the UK its always warmer than summer and I really like winter because I get to have a fat man in a red suit come down my chimney an drop of my home made iPad by the elves :) x
Chessie: Winter and Summer, defiantly. Maybe it is because I get all my presents in the winter time (Birthday and Christmas). Also I love Summer because I love taking trips down to the beach and having plenty of time off. 

11. Favourite song?
Chessie: I have been watching the Chart Show a lot recently and have a handful of current favourites. I am loving Louder - Dj Fresh, as well as; Best Thing I Ever Had - Beyonce; California King Bed - Rihanna; Swagger Jagger - Cher Lloyd and The A Team - Ed Sheeran. 
Meg: Absolutely love Adele! She reminds me of a special someone ;) loving her song,  'Set Fire to the Rain'. Katy Perry's songs remind me of me! Really colourful and bubbly- her song 'Last Friday Night' is my favourite song ever!

12. What is it like being best friends with someone who is obsessed with Blogging?
Meg: This question is definitely for me because Chessie has always got some kind of blog or website up and running! It's quite good to read them actually because I learn more from her than my mum who is a professional beautician! I know she loves to tell everyone new stuff ( I don't know what to call it) so its actually pretty cool :) x

13. Heels or flats?
Chessie: In the day I would definitely go for flats, however I really love heels on other people. For parties and special occasions I am a real heal girl and am in love with a black lace up pair I purchased from Red Level at Brantano, HERE.
Meg: If I had my own way then it would be heels all the time. I have this pair of beige boots with a wedged 3 inch heel, my favourite shoes! I also have this pair of black heels from New Look which we can't find the link to but hey ho :D 

14. Pants or dresses?
Chessiie: During the day I am  definitely a pants girl. I do not always feel comfortable in dresses, however thoroughly enjoy wearing them to parties and special occasions with my heels. I like to experiment with my colours, styles and prints of pants though and, have recently enjoyed wearing Palazzo Trousers, CLICK HERE FOR OOTD!
Meg: I love dresses. My favourite are strapless ones! I like to find new styles of dresses. I brought a maxi dress from Tesco (cheap I know) and I love it sooo much!. Anyone who knows me knows that I love Superdry and they do amazing dresses in there, loads of beach dresses which I love because I'm a beach babe, don't look it though. 

15. Favourite animal?
Chessie: My favourite animal would have to be my pet do Che. He is a white, long haired German Shepherd and I love him to pieces. When I was younger I used to be a dolphin obsessive, I have so many dolphin ornaments stashed away, I think they are adorable. 
Meg: Obviously a dolphin! Ever since I was about 6 my dad has taught me to swim and hold my breath for long amounts of time. I have always loved to be a dolphin! Do magical creatures count, :LL because I also love mermaids? :) x

16. If your house was burning down, and your entire family was sure to be okay, what would you save and why?
Chessie: A hose to put out the fire! tehe. I would probably save something valuable that represents a special time in my life. I don't really have a clue. I would probably just end up grabbing the closest thing to me, which would end up being my laptop, hehe.
Meg: On my first birthday I was given my Nana's first wedding ring ( my Nana and Granddad re-did there vows) and I am not allowed it till I'm 16, so I would save that or MY LAPTOP BECAUSE IM ADDICTED TO FACEBOOK! 
17. Comedy, horror, or chick-flick?
Meg: Comedy :D x
Chessie: I'm drawn between a comedy or a chick-flick. I don't do horrors! 

18. Blackberry or iPhone?
Chessie: I currently have a Blackberry, however would be interested in trying out a iPhone. Maybe one day eh? I am loving the Blackberry now though, although the cameras are nothing to rave about. 
Meg: I to also have a blackberry, and Its very good, but as Chessie said the cameras are so nothing special. I would stay with a blackberry because the iPhone would go to waste :) x

19. Favourite movie?
Chessie: I don't really get the chance to watch movies that often. I watched Marley and Me the other night and thought it was good. Definitely emotional, as my mum and I both had tears rolling down out faces by the end. 
Meg: My favourite movie is like a group of films called the Twillight saga because I love the emotion and connection between Bella and Edward :) x

20. What is something weird that you eat?
Meg: Peanut butter and rice, is that weird?? 
Chessie:  I have been known for creating many concoctions in my time so this shouldn't be too hard. Sometime I dip ready salted crisps into tomato ketchup. To be honest I don't think this is too strange, we do it with chips. Oh, also I sometimes eat a spoon full of icing, don't ask, I just have a sweet tooth.

21. Do you guys have anything matching?
Yes actually we do. One of which happens to be a pale pink cardigan, with lace detailing. We purchased this at the same time from Primark. 

22. What's your favourite TV show?
Meg: I really love love love F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!! and I am most certainly a gleek!! hehe ;) x
Chessie: I have been watching the Ace Of Cakes a lot lately, as well as the Chart Show. I am a huge EastEnders fan, shhhhh. 

I tag all of you to do this, yes that included you!!

Love Chessie & Meg

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