Tuesday, 26 July 2011

To Prime or Not to Prime

Shadows (L-R) - UD Naked, UD Toasted, Rimmel Colour Rush in 010 Envy, MAC Goldenrod.
I have never understood why priming the eyes before applying shadows was so important. I had always been told to moisturise my face before applying foundations, concealers and powders etc, however had never thought to invest in a primer.

I have tried a sample from benefit of the "that gal" brightening face primer and although I did enjoy it, I just cannot justify spending that much money on it. I do not find that having a good primer is crucial in a make-up collection, and think that an everyday moisturiser works just as good. 

I thought the same with eye shadows, as I do not really wear them I did not think it was important to invest in one. That was until I purchased the UD Naked Pallet, which came with a sample of the UD Primer Potion (for eyes). 

After trying this out for tutorials and looks for this blog I began to realise that maybe it did improve the staying power and pigmentation of the shadows, as well as finish. However again I do not think one should spend a large amount of money on a primer when it could be going towards something more.

I am not saying that you should not invest in a eye or face primer for that matter, just don't waste money on it if you know you are not going to enjoy using it. I have also tried a couple of cheaper alternatives, suck as cream shadows or those 'jumbo' eye pencils from the drugstore and to be honest I think they work just as good. 

Love Chessie

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