I love Rhi's look, it is so subtle, yet extremely noticeable at the same time. Great for that special romantic date. I would die to be as gorgeous as Rhianna in this video, wouldn't we all.
Again, I am sorry about the bad quality, once I have sorted out the memory cards I will be using a proper camera :( x
Products Used:
Shimmer Cream Shadow
UD Sin shadow
Front Cover Mineralised shadow in Frosted Almond
UD Buck
UD Virgin
Benefit Georgia Box Blush
White Kohl Pencil
Bourjois Liner Feutre in 11 Noir
Maybelline Colossal Volume Express mascara in 100% Black
Rimmel moisture renew lipstick in 700 Nude Delight
Avon lipstick in Pout
Ciaté lip gloss in a Nude/Pink colour
Benefit High Beam
Benefit Dandelion Box Blush
MUA Blush in Shade 1 (I think) :)
- Prime the lid with a shimmery cream shadow, I would recommend using a cream colour.
- Pat a shimmery pink champaign (UD Sin) shadow all over lid and into inner corner.
- Then taking a fluffy blending brush, blend a shimmery brown/bronze (Front Cover Frosted Almond) and a peach (Benefit Georgia Blush) into crease and bring under lower lash line.
- Highlight brow bone and inner corner with a pearl shadow (UD Virgin).
- Apply a matte brown (UD Buck) onto outer corner. Be sure to blend all colours together, to reduce any harsh lines.
- Line upper lash line with a black felt tip/liquid/gel liner (Bourjois Liner Feutre in 11 Noir), and wing out ever so slightly on the end. Remember not to make the line too thick as it is a natural look.
- Line waterline with a white kohl pencil.
- Curl lashes and apply two coats of mascara (Colossal Volume Express). Again remember not to make it too clumpy as it is a natural look. Tip - If you want your lashes to look even more natural use a brown mascara.
- Line lips with a nude lipstick/liner (Rimmel 700 Nude Delight). Fill in with a pale pink (Avon Pout). For a glossy look apply a dot of nude/clear gloss to centre of lips.
- Sweep a pale pink (Benefit Dandelion & MUA Shade 1) blush across apple of cheeks and up to temples for a flushed look.
- Pat some highlighter onto cheekbones and down centre of nose. You may dot a bit onto cupids bow, this will enhance you lips natural pout.
I dare you to try this look out and tell me what your friends think. :)
Love Chessie
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