Sunday, 24 July 2011

Lauren Luke Looks

Yesterday, whilst out shopping with my granddad, I purchased a couple of books from various discount book stores. One of which was a beauty book by YouTube sensation Lauren Luke. 

I had heard of Lauren and her book through various make-up gurus on YouTube, but I had never thought to purchase it.  However when roaming the shelves yesterday I came across it, and immediately recognised it. 

I know it has only been a day since I purchased the read, and I should probably wait a little longer to review and recommend it to you all, however after skimming through it last night, I already feel it is worthy of a post. 

The book is absolutely stunning, and definitely deserves a place on your book case just for this ...

... however the looks and tutorials (created by Lauren herself) are something of a work of art. They are truly gorgeous  and although I haven't actually tried any out for myself, I am sure there is something for everyone ...

... The layout is also simple and easy to follow, with step by step instructions and great tips and tricks that make applying make-up enjoyable and easy. 

Lauren states, "I want to make everyone feel special!"

With 25 celebrity and everyday make-up tutorials I highly recommend this book to all beauty addicts out there. Whether you like to experiment with colours or just learn the basics to applying make-up, this book will be great for you. 

The book retails for $22 US, so I definitely encourage you to check out a discount book store, as I managed to grab mine for only £2, what a bargain.

Check out Lauren on YouTube for more Tutorials as well as Tips and Tricks:

Love Chessie


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